Bingo Chips

Our 3/4" Bingo Chips are perfect as teaching aids, hands-on manipulatives, counting, sorting and grouping. Additionally, they are great for arts and crafts projects and bingo games.

Bingo Chips assorted

Available in 10 transparent and 6 opaque colors

Transparent Colors: Blue, Green, Hot Pink, Light Blue, Orange, Purple, Red, and Yellow.

Opaque (solid) colors: Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and White.

Bingo Chips assorted

Packaging Options

Pack of 1,000 3/4" Bingo Chips
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Case of 50,000 3/4" Bingo Chips
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Pack of 1,000 7/8" Bingo Chips
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Case of 33,000 7/8" Bingo Chips
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No. Description Net Quantity Pricing (per 1,000 Pieces/Color)
1,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 100,000
1170 3/4" Bingo Chips $8.95 $8.25 $7.45 $6.85 $6.55
1171 7/8" Winks $10.95 $10.50 $10.25 $10.05 $9.95
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No. Description 1-5 Cases 6-9 Cases 10+ Cases
1170 3/4" Bingo Chips (per 1,000 ct) $5.85 $5.15 $4.75
1171 7/8" Winks (per 1,000 ct) $8.45 $8.05 $7.85

*Bulk cases are priced per 1,000 Ct. 3/4" Chips come in 50,000 ct. Bulk Cases. 7/8" Winks come in 33,000 ct. Bulk Cases.

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